Our Blog

Intercom to Zendesk Data Migration

For the past 10 years we helped our clients to migrate their data from Intercom to Zendesk, including all custom mapping needs, test- closed and final migration(s) and general guidance during the migration process.

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Open AI's New ChatGPT

Optimizing Agent Workflows in Zendesk with AI/openAI & Google Gemini

At Helpando, we are leveraging AI, OpenAi's ChatGPT and Google Bard API to optimize customer service done in Zendesk. Automation of certain functions through chatbots and the development of custom AI powered Zendesk apps can extend the Zendesk interface with AI functionality so that agents can work more efficiently and effectively.

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Zendesk Sunshine Use Cases

Customers engage with your business across various channels. Your customers data lives in many different places: You might have data stored in your companies database, maybe a cloud based shopify stores order information, there’s customer data in your Zendesk already, and there might be a number of other cloud solutions connected to your business, each solution with it’s own unique set of data.

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to the next level

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