Prepare For Zendesk Migration With This Checklist

Zendesk Data Migration Checklist

Are you planning a Zendesk migration but don’t know how to do it? Well, the first step will be preparing for it! So, in this blog, we will familiarize you with the migration checklist that will ultimately prepare you for seamless migration. Don’t worry; we will not make it seem like a long-haul battle. Just give it a thorough read once, and you will be all set!

So, without wasting any time, let’s start!

The Zendesk Migration Checklist!

If your current help desk solution is not serving the purpose and you need to move to Zendesk, this migration checklist will help. How? It will help you create a roadmap that you can use to perform a seamless Zendesk migration— it will not let your efforts go in vain. Besides, preparing with the help of a well-thought-out plan will help you in a secure transition. Consequently, ironing out any potential data losses in the process.

Enough with the pre-faces. Let’s dive in and prepare for the migration.

Pick A Migration Method

When it comes to a migration plan, the first and foremost step is to pick the method of migration. There are typically two migration methods—

Option 1: Doing things on your own using the basic/ native implementations.

Option 2: Using third-party solutions such as Helpando.

Each of the options listed above has its own set of pros and cons. But, if you want to skip the hassle, you must contact the experts at Helpando. Wondering why? Well, we will discuss this later in the blog, but as of now, we will continue with preparing for migration.

Keep Your Team Updated

YOU CAN’T SKIP THIS! Transparent workflow is key to successful migration. Therefore, give enough knowledge and time to your employees to let them prepare and close tickets for migration. Besides, they will have time to get familiar with Zendesk.

Historical Data Filtering

The next step in preparing for Zendesk migration is data filtering. Every organization has particular requirements for preserving historical records, deleting them, or transferring sensitive data to Zendesk. If you think filtering data is an uphill battle, get the help of professionals at Helpando. We provide custom record filtering to fit your business requirements best. Contact us to talk about the criteria you wish to use and what data to filter.

Qualify Your Data

To ensure a successful migration project, it is essential to determine what data you need and don’t need in your new tool. A successful migration doesn’t require moving every piece of data; it only requires valuable data. If you have a large backlog of “useless” data, consider removing it to reduce the time and cost of moving. Your team will appreciate the effort, as they may appreciate the fact that old data can sometimes hinder progress. Therefore, it’s crucial to prioritize the removal of unnecessary data.

Customize Your Migration

One door doesn’t fit all! So, customization is needed in Zendesk migration, too. When it comes to moving your content to Zendesk, we’ve got you prepared. We’ve got you covered for every customization, ranging from ticket tagging to image shuffles and attachment sorting. We’ll add some tags to assist you in finding your data, elegantly shift those images into attachments, and even show you a sleek example using your data. And if you require something translated into multiple languages, we’ve got you covered.

What’s more? If you’re looking to change something, like filtering data or modifying how things move, we’re all for that. We’re here to make your relocation as painless as possible.

Some might be preparing for Jira to Zendesk data import, and some might be preparing for Freshdesk to Zendesk data import. So, customize your migration process according to your needs.

Now that you know how to prepare for Zendesk migration, it’s time to prepare Zendesk. After this, you will be all set to jump into actual migration.

Prepare Zendesk

To migrate to Zendesk, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Zendesk account and create agents, which are customer support managers. Assign permissions and notify your team about the migration process.
  2. Create custom fields in Zendesk to filter data and streamline workflow with customer inquiries.
  3. Recreate macros in Zendesk to speed up work and avoid future inconveniences.
  4. Turn off triggers, notifications, and automation before migration to avoid issues during the test and full migrations.

Does it sound like backbreaking labor? Well, do not worry, we are here at your recuse!

Looking For More Data Migration details?

Let’s meet!

Now, why Helpando? Well, here are a few compelling reasons why taking help from us is better than any other option in the market!

Benefits Of Hiring Experts At Helpando!

Helping you develop future customer service!

We are unique because we’ve got SOUL

  • S – Speed
  • O – Overdelivery
  • U – Unifying
  • L – Love

Not only this, but we also offer the following:

  • Provides the support you need to get the most from online customer service solutions.
  • Strong focus on building solutions based on Zendesk Sunshine.
  • Experience with 100+ companies delivering top-tier online customer service.

Wrapping Up!

Migration is a complex process that not all companies can handle smoothly. It’s crucial to have a comprehensive plan covering all aspects. Our guide to the Zendesk migration plan provides some guidance, but if you have any questions, our experts are available to discuss your migration.

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