Intercom to Zendesk Data Migration

At, we specialize in custom migrations tailored to your needs. Let us handle your Intercom to Zendesk migration seamlessly using the Intercom API.
Request a free scoping call today!

Steps of an Intercom to Zendesk migration

Step 1 – Migration Scoping

You can use our migration scoping tool to tell us some basic facts about your migration (e.g. quantity of tickets), it only takes 1 minute!

Step 2 – We’ll send you a quote & SOW

We generate a Statement of Work in which we define the details of your migration, the migration phases, the timeline and responsibilities.

Step 3 – Account Access & Data Analysis

You’ll provide us with access to your Intercom and Zendesk account, you can send us an existing admin account or add our email as a new admin.
We’ll then download your ticket, user and guide data to a migration server (You can choose if onto an US or European Server) and create a mapping document based on your data.

Step 4 – Mapping Call

We’ll have a call, maybe the only call we ever have. During the mapping call we together look at your custom ticket, user- and organization fields and agree on how to map them to your Zendesk instance.

Step 5 – Test Migration(s)

We migrate a couple of test tickets and send them to you. Do they look good? Then we’re ready for the next step. Something needs to change? We repeat Step 5 until the test tickets look perfect.

Step 6 – Closed Ticket Migration

Since closed tickets can not change anymore, we can quietly migrate them in the background.Your agents won’t notice that something is going on, your Intercom and Zendesk can be used normally. During the closed ticket migration we migrate 99% of your data and there is 0 time pressure.

Step 7 – The final/delta non-closed Ticket Migration

We agree on a date and time. This is when you switch to Zendesk for good. During that time we read your non-closed tickets (new, open, pending, etc.). We’ll try to keep the time window for the final migration short.

How do we extract data from Intercom?

We leverage the Intercom API to seamlessly extract your data.
All you need to do is to provide us with access to the Intercom API.

Entities and their mappings:

This is how we migrate your data from Intercom to Zendesk.

Intercom Entity Migrates to Zendesk as Comments
Conversation Tickets Includes custom ticket fields & custom mapping
Conversation Parts Comments Public & Internal comments
Attachments Ticket & Comment Attachments Yes, we can migrate Inline Attachments too
Visitor, lead, or user End-users Custom Fields & Mapping transformations included
Admins Agents & Admins We can also map to default users based on a set of custom rules
Companies Organizations Custom fields & multiple Organization memberships included
Collections, Sections, Articles Guide / Help Center Content We’re the only Zendesk partner who updates cross links between your articles post migration!

Interested in a data migration from Intercom to Zendesk?

Request a FREE quote now

If you’d like to read more about the process Zendesk migrations, check out our post about The Basics and steps of a Zendesk Migration.

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